Patch 2001170911001 for Briker 2.0

“Briker ready for Secure Calls”

New patch for Briker 2.0 has been released, Firmware 2001170911001. Below are change log for new firmware :

  • [pbx] Update SRTP Version 1.4.2 to Cisco SRTP library
  • [pbx] Add options encryption & transport on SIP device menu

Please download the firmware file here or here. If you have fresh install Briker 2.0, you need to patch firmware 2001161025001 first, then firmware 2001170602001, please check our last post about patch firmware for Briker 2.0 for more information.

Instructions to load the patch or firmware:

  1. Upload the bpz file to user ‘support’ home folder on your Briker 2.0 server
    • Please note that the  default SSH port for Briker 2.0 is 10001
    • You may use scp or winscp to upload the bpz file
  2. Login using SSH to your Briker 2.0 server as ‘support’
    • Please note that the  default SSH port for Briker 2.0 is 10001
  3. Do the following commands from Linux console
    • Please note the prompt $ and #
      $ su -
      # mv /home/support/fw2001170911001.bpz /home/support/updates/
      # briker-patch
  4. Follow the patch instructions

We will update our documentation for topic how to enable secure calling with Briker. Check here for another our example configuration with Briker 2.0 .