Patch 2001161025001 for Briker 2.0

New patch for Briker 2.0 has been released, Firmware 2001161025001. Below are change log for new firmware:

  • [pbx] fix system recording, file not available after recording
  • [pbx] modify context from-sip-external to avoid flooded CDR
  • [pbx] recompile asterisk with option using the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS environment variables
  • [lin] fix SMTP cannot send email, related to voicemail to email feature
  • [lin] fix issue restart network configuration from CLI (service networking restart) & Server Manager
  • [lin] modify fail2ban filter for asterisk to ban spam incoming calls

Please download the firmware file (39 MB) here or here.

Instructions to load the patch or firmware:

  1. Upload the bpz file to user ‘support’ home folder on your Briker 2.0 server
    • Please note that the  default SSH port for Briker 2.0 is 10001
    • You may use scp or winscp to upload the bpz file
  2. Login using SSH to your Briker 2.0 server as ‘support’
    • Please note that the  default SSH port for Briker 2.0 is 10001
  3. Do the following commands from Linux console
    • Please note the prompt $ and #
    • $ su -
      # mv /home/support/fw2001161025001.bpz /home/support/updates/
      # briker-patch
  4. Follow the patch instructions

Enjoy !!!